
Образователна школа "Mastylo School" Школа

Пловдив, България
Mastylo School provides both intensive and long-term individual practical classes plus distance learning (on-line lessons) in Bulgarian language for foreigners.
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Профилът е:
Прегледан: 1953 пъти
Посетители: 948
Последно онлайн: 16.05.23
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Уроци и Курсове по Български за чужденци

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Допълнителна информация и професионален опит за Образователна школа "Mastylo School"

If you are an expat in Bulgaria or just have a holiday home here and would like to chat with your friends, colleagues and neighbours; 
If you are in love with a Bulgarian and would like to surprise him/her with some romantic phrases in Bulgarian language;
If you are engaged to Bulgarian partner and would like to understand what your mother-in-law murmurs; 
If you would like to acquire a driving licence or apply for Bulgarian citizenship and have to pass the language test; 
If you are running a business in Bulgaria and don`t want to rely on interpreters anymore;
If your kids were born abroad and have no chance to learn and practice their mother tongue; 
If you are a professional translator, a linguist or just have a passion for foreign languages and would like to go deep into the lingo; 
If you are planning holidays in Bulgaria and would like to be able to cope with waiters, receptionists and taxi drivers; 
If you are a missionary, sent by your church on a mission to Bulgaria and you need to preach in Bulgarian language;
If you would like to study at Bulgarian university and don`t want to waste a whole academic year in expensive group tuition;
If you have fallen in love with our fascinating folk songs and chain dances, amazing nature and world-famous yoghurt, traditional customs and delicious cuisine;
If you have been struggling in vain to learn the lingo alone with teach-yourself books and CDs, Byki flashcards and Livemocha language exchange,

Then you have finally come across the right place for you. Why don`t you book a free trial lesson with one of our experienced tutors and see how it works?! Learning online from the comfort of your home or office is an enormous advantage nowadays. You are the one to choose the time, the pace and the number of your classes per week. Our Bulgarian lessons are always tailor-made to suit your individual requirements and teacher`s attention is entirely yours. Bear in mind our slogan says “Learning Bulgarian can be fun!”, so be prepared for easy lessons and friendly attitude.

Mastylo Language School provides both intensive and long-term individual practical classes plus distance learning (online lessons) in Bulgarian language for foreigners. Our experience has proved to be outstandingly successful with students and adults from all over Europe, North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and Asia. The guarantee for fast and reliable results is truly grounded as Testimonials can verify. Our basic course in contemporary Bulgarian as a foreign language is founded on a brand new textbook and modern methods of teaching. Moreover, classes are always consistent with your spare time!

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