
Мария Симеонова Учител

ул. „Димитър Хаджикоцев“ ,Лозенец, 1421 София, България map
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Mariya - Piano Dreams in Facebook. I was born in the town of Pleven, Bulgaria. I started playing the piano at the age of five in the Professional School of Music in my hometown. During my time at the school I had the opportunity to work on a large and multifarious repertoire due to the numerous exams and concerts that had been organized at the school throughout the school years. I started with accompaniment and prima vista at age of 11 as one of the activities was to memorize music material for 10 minutes without the use of a piano. At the age of 13 I started playing with chamber ensembles. Throughout our collaboration I got used to adapting my work and temperament to match the level of my colleagues. It has become easy and natural for me to adapt to the different roles (soloist, chamber musician and accompanist).


After graduating from high school I continued my education as a classical pianist at the Academy of Music in Sofia, Bulgaria where I continued to deal in depth with piano and chamber music. I was happy to have worked with great professors like Yovcho Krushev/piano and Victor Chuchkov/chamber music. They helped me to expand my repertoire and method of interpretations. During my studies I was teaching piano to numerous children and adults. I participated in many master classes of German, Swiss and Bulgarian musicians.


After graduating from the Academy, I continued performing as a concert pianist, club musician and piano teacher in different countries in Europe and Asia. My experience include teaching in Schumann school of music in Shen Zhen, teaching in Tom Lee School of Music in Hong Kong, numerous concerts, master classes and TV performances.


Achievements of my students include first prizes at various national competitions for German and Russian music. One of my students was awarded a gold medal at the national exam in China for ninth grade in piano.


In 2008 my students performed at a big concert in the Museum of Science in Hong Kong where I gave a master class. I am also specializing in ABRSM 1-8 grade in piano and sight reading as well as in 1-10 exam grades in piano of the Chinese exam system.


I returned to Europe in 2010 and I have been living in Slovenia, where I continued with my development as a versatile musician. In December 2010 the first achievement came when a student of mine received a deserved prize at the Ars Nova competition in Trieste. I have also continued my education at Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Tartini in Trieste where I graduated with Master´s degree. My professors were Igor Cognolato/Piano Alessandro Paparo/Piano and Orchestra and Alex Carani/Chamber music. During my time in Trieste and Slovenia I performed at many concerts as a soloist and in chamber ensembles. I also worked as a piano teacher in a state school of music as well as a club musician in Life Class Portoroz. I worked as an accompanist in Haydn Conservatory Eisenstadt Austria.

Currently I live and work in Lozenec, Sofia as a Piano Teacher.


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